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It was mid November and I wanted to go on a thre-day-hike in the mountains. The plan was to go to Kandersteg in Berner Oberland, but got onto the wrong train in Bern and ended up in Brig (Switzerland). I checked the map and found something that I thought looked interesting, in the end you can't really go wrong if the trail leads up in the mountains. It is beautiful everwhere. My route took me up to the Simplon pass and then over the Uesseri Nazlicke pass, where I spent the second and last night. It got quite cold as soon as the sun was gone and I had a very frosty tent when I woke up the next morning. The sun quickly got stronger and it didn't take long till I could take off my down jacket, though it often got chilly when I came into the shade somwhere. Further down on my descent back to Brig, the path took me across these yellow and orange colored grass slopes. They looked so warm and inviting with the sun shining right onto them, but truth be told, you'd better have a good pad to sit on and warm clothes, because the ground was close to zero °C and the sun hadn't had enough time to warm up the air, which made the wind really chilly. Lucky for me, a photo doesn't transfer cold nor heat, it just lets you enjoy the view.


Paper: Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308 (matte)

Colors of the Fall, Uesseri Nanzlicke

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